Wednesday, 27 June 2012

My Dream !!

So many of my dreams have come true and I am so very happy;however there is one left and I doubt it will ever come true either;which is why I can escape and live my dream on here.
This dream is to own a cottage; nestled into the countryside,with blossoms round the door.
Also some land to establish my donkey sanctuary;keep some goats and also two dogs;two cats and a giant house rabbit.
just because we have grown up this doesn't mean we have to abandon our hopes and dreams;on the contrary!!

These are early days yet and there is so much more development to be done.
If you would like to follow me I will make us a cuppa and I will give you the grand tour.

I have a dream and just because I cannot filfill at the moment this does not mean that I never will!!

One of my mottos is 'never say never!!!'

This will be a first in a series of myself living my dream and will peel back each layer as time progresses.

This will be a first in a series of myself living my dream and will peel back each layer as time progresses.

This is one of the wonders in writing; with a little imagination we can be wherever we wish to be and whoever we want to be.

One fact that I have learnt as I've travelled through life is that we all belong somewhere and no-one can tell us that we won't and that we will never live our dreams.

If we believe that we can then we are half way there.

Today I have lived in my cottage 'Blossoms' for around two months and have had a lot of work to do; but I love every moment of my dream.

At the moment a dream but maybe...........................


I Belong.

Sunshine Lane leading to my cottage. ‘The Blossoms.'

'Blossom Cottage'

A blast of sunshine

Lifts me up up and away

Mellow thoughts soften

The beautiful front garden of my haven 'Blossom'

Beautiful garden

Mother Nature's creations.

Absorb the beauty.

So homely

So quaint.

Homely as sunshine

My haven fills my heart so

My spirit flies high.

Much work to be done.

A warm welcome
The child in me

I love gardening
Bare ground

New life peeping through

'Blossom' my miniature donkey

Dandy my cutie is such a charcter.

The dream of my own free spirit.

My dream

Entices me

Lifts me to the heavens

A passion which rises each day.

I rejoice from the heavens and tell all.

How a dream finally flowered

A new feeling so quaint

Today I live

My dream.

Mother Nature's beauty; to me it's paradise.


Around the door

Happiness so complete

A future filled with sunshine hue

A reflection magnifies all I love

I store and my heart now so full

Reach up and touch your dream

A dream like silk


My only Sybil sheep and now a newborn lamb also.

New life

Arrived today

Quivering and hungry

Denied his own mother's true love

True instincts bless him with coping method.

He did follow that leading light

And found his own

New life.

Nearby 'Bluebell woods' as a new dawn arrives.

Today I believe

That such beauty does surround

Hang on to your dream.

Sunshine filters through to my heart and soul.

Fills my heart; my spirit glows.

Oh yes

So glad am I

That I fought my battles

Today all I see is beauty

I know from now on my skies will be blue

Through rocks and thorns I sometimes fell

My spirit carried on

I know I've won

Oh yes.

A little one to nurture and adore.

My new found love 'Lassie'

and I so wish this little baby was mine!!!

Big brown soulful eyes

Found their way into my heart

Two souls so entwined.

A Symbol of my awakening dream.

Stand strong as you fulfil your dreams.

Our dreams are beautiful and should be nurtured and cherished; we all belong somewhere.

Just like this pure and virginal white Delphinium.

May all your dreams come true.

Have a wonderful weekend



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