Tuesday, 17 July 2012

My Golden Box Of Memories.

For the past few months I have been caring for a young disabled boy I shall call Peter to and from his school.
Over the years I have brought my six kids up and have eleven grandchildren plus have also worked for the Youth Offending Team.
 So to work with Peter was totally new for me and at first I felt a little awkward ;but this soon evaporated and was replaced with the joy of being able to see the true character behind that disability.
.However the contract runs out at the end of this week and there will be a different firm taking over in September ;therefore my time with this Peter is at an end and oh yes despite all I have written here I will miss him so much.
However all the wonderful memories I have I will safely and tenderly place in my precious 'Golden Box Of Memories'.
I have gained so many wonderful memories which thrive in there and will enrich my life forevermore.


A true character
behind that
thin veil
of a disability
which fades
into insignificance
while  the character will
beautifully bloom
 and this is so
To lie
softly cocooned
in my
 'Golden Box of Memories'.


Clinging onto those
last few days as
Summer holidays are upon us
still early
are now
  my life
my way
my world.
Peter's  cheeky smile
so sorely missed;
these memories
 will thrive
and blossom
 in my heart
That mischievous character
to be  remembered
with a
 soft affection
so dear
in my
In my
Golden Box Of Memories.


New days will arrive
on the dawn ;
new faces;
A new world peeps
through the window onto
 whole new experiences
to eagerly meet and taste.
Old memories alive
and secretly
locked away to
to love
in my
Golden Box of Memories.
Some to enjoy
and thrive
in eternal fondness
like that soft blanket of an angel's love.


Some bring laughter
some tears
some even bring steely anger
but sharp corners
smoothed through the wings of time.
So many lessons learnt
some painful and sharp.
many bad
of unscrupulous ways !!!
No conscience
Will they be
painfully strung up
their abusive ways
shared with the world ??
Sadly I reply,
'Not always !!'
The cruelty
 shared from young days
 and carried on a prickly thorn
unceremoniously through to adulthood !!
How to cope is a personal
my coping way
 is to be happy and successful
to love
 and to care
 in my own life !!!
Only these
happy days
can we
 gently lay down
so snug
ever treasure
into our
ever precious
 'Golden Box of Memories'.
The dark;
 to evolve
 into unwelcome visitors
whom today
do not linger
for long at all.
Do you have your
'Golden Box Of Memories ?'


  1. Beautiful Eddi,

    I'm sorry about your upcoming separation. Your time with this young man has obviously been an enriching experience, and no doubt he feels the same way.

    I love that you've shared the wonder and positive impact he's had on your life, and your literary endeavors. And, I wonder if he realizes what a blessing he's been. :)


  2. Thank you so very much Angela for your great comment.As one door closes another opens as the saying goes and I have my wonderful memories to treasure.It is so nice to see you on here and I will call over your blog later .
    Take care and have a wonderful day.

  3. Oh Eddy he was so blessed to have you to care and love him. I have been where you are at saying goodbye to these special angels. I know God has great plans for you, giving another person to step in and be blessed just like you were for a time in taking care of him..
    all my love,

    1. Oh thanks Sunnie thanksfor this great comment ;it is as always so appreciated.
      I have made myself a promise this week to carch up with reading and I have found two of yours which were wonderful as always.
      I have also got back into the habit of creating my stories/poems daily.
      Thanks again Sunnie ,take care and enjoy your day.
