Oh yes
A brand new dawn
Sunshine willingly beams
Each magical beam points at me
Dewdrops glisten and moisten each dried sense
Glistening just like each heartfelt gem
How my whole body sings
Oh please join me
Oh yes.
I sing
My home I love
Inhaling each fresh scent
Mother Nature's gifts are my all
Shadowing my gait full of love
Happiness reflecting in life's mirrors
The truth swells with a blushing hue
Moulded hearts beat as one
My happy song
I sing.

My life mature
And lies in golden bliss
Allowing each thought to stay loved and bright
And to blossom within my heart
Just to tell a story
Visions golden
Sit down
Right by my side
A natural warmth flows
To each deep crevice in my heart
A delicious warmth seeps from head to toe
My haven in life I have found
Each sense in paradise
Come share with me
Sit down.

Sweet dreams
To one and all
Gentle visions flowing
Moulded into your heart and soul
So close to your spirit may all dreams thrive
Your true being so gently protects
Your strength will give each life
Gifts so deserved
Sweet dreams.
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