Friday, 6 September 2013

A Beautiful Corner Of Wales.

Last Sunday  we took our grandchildren Ellie and Charlie home after having them to stay for two weeks. Oh how I miss them when thy have returned home.
However spending time with my daughter and grandkids surrounded by all the beautiful countryside is paradise itself. Ian (Sues' s Partner)had to work so he is missing from the photos.
I hope you enjoy the following poems and photos of one beautiful corner of Wales.
Right let's begin.

Source: Dai

Source: http://Dai

Source: Dai

Source: Dai

Source: Dai

Source: Dai

Source: Dai

Calon Lan ( Pure At Heart.)


Freeverse:Tomorrow Inviting.

Fresh air

consuming each sadness

each pain.............

Countryside explorations

fill our hearts

and each eagerly awaiting spirit...........

Pastures and meadows

represent healthy and rich spirits..............

Bird songs vibrantly dancing

with each musical note

from a heaven of love...........

Pine trees beckon

in sweet invitations of

of glowing waves..........

We slip into hushed tones;

each one wrapped in layers of magical charms............

Still waters have a calmness

so in tune with

an almost magical

aura of wondrous beauty

almost beyond belief....................

Children playing

happy laughter


swelling each happy note

loving each precious moment..............

Red berries protected

by an army of defensive thorns

never worn away ....................

I sit in sweet contemplation;memories unrolling

present day glowing

tomorrow inviting.

Source: Dai

Source: Eddy

Source: Dai


Source: Eddy

Source: Eddy

Source: Eddy


Acrostic: PONTERWYD.

Playing with the golden breeze

Only happy hearts return

Never say never

Tender and magical notes fill my soul

Exciting chatter following each happy heartbeat

Readily swelling up to sweet heavens

Winter's magical moments

Yes my heart's desire I love

Dear Earth mother ;I appreciate respect and worship your awesome and beautiful Kingdom.

I owe my life to your magical guidance.

Source: Eddy

Source: Eddy

Source: Eddy

Source: Dai

Haiku:Evergreen Hamlet.

Evergreen hamlet

Lies in such sweet surrender

Shares each sweet secret.

Source: dai

Rhyme:Surrounded By Charm.

The children's laughter

So happy so free

Caressing beauty

For you and for me.


Come walk with me

Simply hold my hand

Together to taste

My evergreen land.


Bird song's a-rising

Rabbits a-hopping

Crickets a-chirping

Magic a-flowing.


Up to each green hill

Down to loving dales

Your kingdom I love

Magic I inhale.


Surrounded by charm

Love is all around

My happiness flows

It's depth to astound.


As the eve draws near

Sense of belonging

Sweet charms caress

My bright homecoming.

Source: Eddy
Carmel,Charlie and Neyo
Carmel,Charlie and Neyo
Source: Dai
Neyo and Charlie
Neyo and Charlie
Source: Eddy

Source: Eddy
Dai and kids
Dai and kids
Source: Eddy

Source: Eddy
Carmel is off home!!!
Carmel is off home!!!
Source: Eddy
Source: Eddy
Cutie Carmel
Cutie Carmel
Source: Eddy
Dai Neyo and Ellie
Dai Neyo and Ellie
Source: Eddy

Source: Eddy
Ellie and Carmel
Ellie and Carmel
Source: Eddy
Source: Eddy


My self pride today

carries me high

on each cloud above;




ever flowing

flying carpet

of love.

My love empowered

my heart;

my soul

brought me

to your bosom

safe and sound.

From each majestic

sunrise to each magical sunset

I whisper

my prayer of thanks

from so deep


my heart and soul.

Source: Eddy



Each one precious

Treasured eternally

In that special place in my heart

Each one bringing beautiful thoughts of love

Carried on the wing of a dove

Caressing my heart so

A love so true

Grand kids.

I hope you all enjoyed your visit and here's to so many more.
Lots of love from my little corner of Wales.

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