Tuesday 15 May 2012

Life-long friends and published books.

One of my dreams was to have my own  book  published ; however as for years my writing did not pass through my front door it was not very likely to.
However never say never and  around two months ago I  had my very own first children's story book published !!
The first in a series on Bobby and Billy who are two kittens that live on a farm and  get into so much trouble ; oh yes they are mischievous to the core !! My dear friend Sunnie Day who writes on   HubPages  created the illustrations for me

 and also on wordpress 

  Graceful Intentions;

Sunnie Day

Sunnie Pen To Page.



created the illustrations for me and I am eternally grateful to her;she also has books published ;in book form and also as ebooks.
She is a recently retired school nurse and has a heart of gold ; in Sunnie I have a friend for life and this comes from someone who once said rather scornfully that you could not make true friends on the web !!! Well today I am the first to admit that I was so wrong.

As well as the links above she also has many books published
Sunnie and her Peeps
The Insignificant Penny

Burt and Birdie "Always and Forever" Book One
The Magical Victrola
Sunnie's Ianimates Speak
Train to Nowhere
Au revoir Stiletto's

To you Sunnie you are an amazing friend and writer.

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